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All PR delivery rather than objective reporting
Response to Billy Turner's May 21 article

Rick Olivier

This so-called "article" reads more like an editorial than a piece of reporting:

"I say all that to say this: When the City Park Board of Commissioners votes Tuesday, it should vote to accept the golfing portion of the park's master plan."

"In my judgment, the plan has been worked over and worked out until indeed it is feasible."

Oh really? Mr. Turner's "About The Author" section comes up blank on nola.com which makes it difficult to determine his qualifications for such editorializing, for those of you who may be skeptical that indeed, "the fix is in", and would like to learn about his qualifications as an economic adviser on matters concerning taxpayer funds.

...."If the park courses don't pull in the money it has been suggested they will, who is on the hook for the money?

If the courses are running into financial difficulty, it is my understanding that the one on the hook for the money would be the company, non-profit or otherwise, who runs the courses.

In talking with Barousse, he said "it is now and has always been our understanding that we would run the golf portion of this."

Hence, the BDF would be the ones accepting the financial difficulty, should it come, at least in the short term, rather than City Park.

Environmentally, they've done the proper studies, I'm told, and the golf courses will be done right."....

Am I the only one who keeps hearing a PR piece here? Mr. Turner has "been told" about environmental studies performed? The BDF would be on the hook "at least in the short term"? Jeez, you would think a reporter might also want to know about the LONG TERM? Lest you confuse Mr. Turner with a reporter, however, he concludes with:

"..It's time for the state's plan for the Saints to go forward. It's time for the City Park plan to go forward. It's time for leadership to step forward and rebuild our city..."

So obviously he's lived here a long time and knows the deal. He knows how efficiently government works here to provide the most good for the most people. How diligently we avoid even the appearance of impropriety by awarding huge taxpayer-funded (if not in the 'short term' then eventually in the...ummm.. the other term...yknow. ..the longer one..) boondoggles to well-connected muckety-mucks.

So hey, nola.com, time to pass out the cigars and crack open the champagne on another Job Well Done! Your diligent research and healthy skepticism has kept the taxpayers of New Orleans safe from the greed and avarice of the good ole boys club one more day!

(Note to Mr. Turner: you misspelled my name.)

Rick O-L-I-V-I-E- R
