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No room for duffers
Re: "Average Joe not part of City Park golf plan," Sports, March 13.

Martha J. Brewer
Letters to the editor, Times Picayune

I agree with columnist Peter Finney. An average Josephine myself, I bemoaned the closing of the South Course a few years ago -- it was home to an enjoyable, slower pace of golf. Many older duffers, some women and many learners liked to play this low-fee course where you did not have to contend with rude golfers charging up behind you, hitting into your group and making impolite comments.

It is 2009. Why not plan at least one short course designed to be low fee and walking only (no carts)? Some of us would like to get some walking exercise while we golf.

Furthermore, the proposed golfing fees for the new course are just scandalous in recovering New Orleans. Fees at those levels will guarantee that the average golfer at the new City Park golf course will be well-employed and probably live in Metairie or on the north shore.

Fees at those levels will guarantee that the average golfer surely will not be an older, high-handicap duffer or a poor kid with a little talent.

We should be thinking about building at least one course for the real people who actually live in New Orleans. Thanks, Peter Finney, for putting this issue into perspective.

Martha J. Brewer

New Orleans
