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City Park's Violation of the Open Meetings Law

In July 2009, attorney Michael Tifft filed suit against the City Park Improvement Association for violating the state's Open Meetings Law with regards to the May 26, 2009 meeting at which the 35-member Board of Directors of the CPIA unanimously adopted a resolution authorizing its staff to draft a RFP for golf courses in City Park, without any apparent or open public discussion among the Board members. Members of the public present at the May 26 public meeting were denied the opportunity to comment.

Further, the suit accused the Board of specifically avoiding open meeting law requirements by being briefed separately beforehand in small groups by the staff, in order to insure a unanimous vote without public discussion at the meeting.

The suit was settled in September 2009 with no legal admission of liability or wrongdoing by the CPIA, who agreed to hold a bona fide, properly advertised public meeting and allow public comment in response to the open meetings law suit. They awarded $1800.00 for Mr Tifft's costs and fees.

City Park Lawsuit
Settlement between City Park and Michael Tifft
