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RFP request notice from CPIA

The New Orleans City Park Improvement Association is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify parties who are interested in Contributing Capital and/or Services and Participating in the Development, Operation and Management of the golf complex at City Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Parties interested in receiving the RFP packet may request the packet in writing from the New Orleans City park Improvement Association, 1 Palm Drive, New Orleans. Louisiana 70124, ATTN: Robert W. Becker, CEO. The packet may also be picked up at the temporary offices of City Park Improvement Association, on Victory Drive in City Park. Proposals must be received no later than 2:00p.m. Thursday, February 11th, 2010. A pre-proposal meeting will be held at the Pavilion of the Two Sisters at New Orleans City Park on 12 Victory Drive in New Orleans, Louisiana on Thursday January 14, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. All inquiries regarding the RFP should be submitted in writing to Robert W. Becker (bbecker@nocp.org).

The first section of the RFP, minus the forms portion to be filled out by the applicants, is attached below. The compensation numbers are not a part of the document, which states that "the financial proposal submitted by each Respondent should set forth the return the Contractor will seek on its investment in the Phase I Project and other compensation from its management and operation of the completed Golf Complex", "the Contractor may receive an agreed upon portion of the revenue generated from the Golf Complex" and "City Park reserves the right to negotiate with the Contractor a minimum annual guarantee payment or other subsidy to be paid to the CPIA."

Other details include: no compensation during fiscal years 2009 and 2010; Contractor may receive an agreed upon portion of the management fee from the operation and management of the North Course and Driving Range after the expiration of the current BCG management contract but prior to the completion of the Phase I Project, which is expected to be operational and generating revenue by the summer of 2012; the contract will terminate on December 31, 2035 (thus a term of roughly 25 years).

Pages 1-16 of City Park Golf Request for Proposals, outlining some of the details.
